Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Setting Up SmartGWT 2.1 and GWT 2.0 with Eclipse 3.5

Setting Up Eclipse Environment:
  1. First, install Java and Eclipse like you normally would, setting up all the necessary environments (e.g. CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME, etc).
  2. Install the GWT Eclipse plugin by going to Help > Install New Software...
  3. Press the Add... button and enter the following URL:
  4. Check Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.5 and Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.0.3 and press the Finish button.
  5. Restart Eclipse after installing the GWT Eclipse plugin.
Create a GWT Web Application Project:
  1. Go to File > New > Web Application Project
  2. Enter the Project name: HelloSmartGWT
  3. Enter the Package: com.puguasoft.examples.smartgwt
  4. Be sure Use Goolge Web Toolkit is checked.
  5. Be sure Use Google App Engine is unchecked.
  6. Press the Finish button.
Setup SmartGWT:
  1. In your HelloSmartGWT project, create a new folder lib.
  2. Unzip and place both the smartgwt.jar and smartgwt-skins.jar in the lib folder you just created.
  3. Right-click on the HelloSmartGWT project and go to Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab and add both the smartgwt.jar and smartgwt-skins.jar to the build path.
  4. Open the class and replace the entire onModuleLoad() with the following:

public void onModuleLoad() {
IButton button = new IButton("Click Me");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
SC.say("Hello SmartGWT!");
  1. Open the com.puguasoft.examples.smartgwt.HelloSmartGWT.gwt.xml file and delete or comment-out the following:
        <inherits name=''/>
  1. In the same XML file, add the following inherits elements:
        <inherits name='com.smartgwt.SmartGwt' />
<inherits name='com.smartclient.theme.silverwave.SilverWave' />
  1. Open the war/HelloSmartGWT.html file and add the following between the <head> section and before the hellosmartgwt.nocache.js script:
        <script> var isomorphicDir = "hellosmartgwt/sc/"; </script> 

Compile and Deploy:
  1. Right-click on the HelloSmartGWT project and select Google > GWT Compile.
  2. Press Compile in the dialog.
  3. Pay attention to the console to make sure there are no compile errors.
  4. Now deploy the app by right-clicking on the HelloSmartGWT project and select Debug As > Web Application
  5. After the embedded web server starts, point your browser to the the URL:
  6. You should see the following page: